Domingo, 22 de diciembre de 2024

Religión en Libertad


Las verdaderas armas de destrucción masiva. Este instrumental asesina más que el armamento ABQ


Estas armas de destrucción masiva no las controla Saddam, sino los gobiernos de las potencias liberales, como los Estados Unidos, la Unión Europea, etc...

En España el responsable de su existencia legal y de su uso protegido por el Estado es Rajoy y su mayoría parlamentaria del PP

Y se sabe donde están [*]

Con ellas cada año se asesinan, con la complicidad de sus madres, médicos y estados, más seres humanos que en todas las guerras mundiales juntas. [Así se asesinan]

Algunas  imagenes de estas armas de destrucción/asesinato masivo, de las modernas y las clásicas, recopiladas en la Colección Grantham:

Aspiradora al vacío manual
La MVA (Manual Vaccum Aspiration) se usa para abortar a un niño de 6 a 12 semanas de edad. Esta jeringa de mano funciona mediante la creación de su propio vacío / aspiración. La MVA se utilizan y se reutiliza millones de veces al año en todo el mundo. El principal problema con el MVA es que tiene un vacío muy débil. Esto significa que el niño se despedaza lentamente

Cureta Uterina
Un lado del bucle está afilada para cortar el niño aparte. El otro lado raspa el útero para extraer la placenta.

Syringe with Spinal Needle
This abortion instrument´s uses include injecting saltwater into the uterus. The baby swallows and breathes the poison. The cause of the death is congestion, hemorrhage and shock. The mother goes into premature labor about a day later and delivers a dead child. The other use is to inject the chemicals (digoxin, potassium chloride, etc.) into the heart of the baby. In both uses, these harsh chemicals soften the child´s corpse, making it easier to rip apart and remove

This abortion tool is used to crush, grasp, and pull the child´s body apart.

Embryotomy Scissors
This instrument is used to cut off the head, arms and legs

Van Huevel´s Destructive Forceps with Chainsaw
For dividing the crown of the baby from crown to base

The Lollini
This perforator was used to perform a craniotomy
on the baby as the preliminary process in collapsing
the skull, which would allow subsequent extraction.

This abortion intrument´s purpose was to hold the baby´s head with
the spiked ends. Once the head was held, a long thin probe was
pushed deep into the skull like a sword. The instrument held the baby´s head, so once it was cut off, it would not float around in the uterus

This abortion instrument was used to crush
the baby´s skull so as to allow the extraction.

This abortion instrument works by pushing the spike into the child´s head. Once it is inside, the button is pushed. When it flattens, you can pull the child out

This abortion instrument was used to
cut off the baby´s head, legs and arms.

Smellie´s Double Crochet
This abortion tool was used to grab and rip the baby out.

Jacquemier´s Decapitator
This abortion instrument was used to decapitate the child

Levret´s Head Extractor
This abortion instrument´s only function was to take out the child´s decapitated head

This abortion instrument was used to stab into the
baby. The handles would be squeezed, which would
then open the blades. You can imagine the rest of it.

Mauriceau´s Head Extractor

Jacob Fried´s Steel Dagger This abortion instrument has a long knife blade that is pushed deep into the baby´s head. It has a blade adjustment and a shield to protect the uterus.

TracHellorHecktor Destructive Hook
The folded hooks are positioned around the back of the neck and the
handles turn apart 180 degrees causing the cervical spine to fracture

Luer Cranial Perforator
This abortion instrument was used to drill a hole in
the baby´s head to collapse the skull for extraction

This abortion instrument was used to capture
the baby´s head once it was cut off.

Braun´s Cranial Perforator
This abortion instrument was used to bore a
hole in the baby´s skull to allow easier extraction.

Destructive Instruments
Top abortion instrument was used to scoop out the
brain. Middle abortion instrument is a double hook.
Bottom abortion instrument is a single hook.

Tarnier´s Basiotribe
This abortion instrument was used for
perforating and crushing the baby´s head.

Blot´s Cranial Perforators
These abortion instruments were designed to be pushed
into the baby´s skull and opened, cutting it into pieces.

Davis´ Guarded Crochet
This abortion instrument was used for obtaining a firm grasp
of the baby´s head. The heavy crochet has 3 sharp teeth and
was applied to the outside and inside of the cranium

Blot´s Cephalotribe
This abortion instrument was used to crush and flatten the baby´s head.

British Decapitator
This abortion instrument has a serrated edge
so cutting the baby´s head off would be easier.

Vicarelli´s Trephine Cranial Perforator
This abortion instrument was screwed into the baby´s head,
causing it to collapse for an easier extraction

A.R. Simpson´s Basilysts
These abortion instruments were screwed into the baby´s head.
Once inside the head, the handle was pushed down allowing
a sharp knife to come out and cut the skull into pieces.

Guarded Hook and Crochet
This abortion instrument was used to pull out
the baby. Usually, it only took out a little at a time.
It also guarded against rupturing the uterus

Dr. Bedford´s Double Crochets
This abortion tool was designed to hook into the
baby without ripping into the uterus

It is believed that this abortion instrument was used to turn the baby around in the uterus. It works by inserting the acorn-like device deep into the baby´s mouth. The baby swallows it. After some time, it goes down to the stomach. When the cord is pulled, sharp spikes stab into the baby´s belly. The baby can then be forced around and down, making the abortion easier to perform

Levret´s Tire-Tete for removing a decapitated head

L.J. Hubert´s Transforator The olive-shaped end is screwed into the baby´s skull and the hinged blade is passed over the baby´s head causing it to split.

These abortion instruments were used to grasp the inside and the
outside of the baby´s head by stabbing one end of the instrument into the cranium. The teeth would grab into the skull allowing for extraction


A.R. Simpson´s Improved Basilyst The basilyst was used for the perforation of the baby´s skull. It was screwed in and then the handles pulled down, splitting the head.

This abortion instrument was used to cut off the baby´s head

Cranial Perforator
This abortion instrument was used by stabbing the sharp edge into
the baby´s head and then cutting it apart with the built-in scissors

This abortion tool has a long spike that comes out
and goes deep into the baby´s cranium

Bergamini Perforator
This abortion instrument screws into the child´s head,
allowing for an easier extraction.

Braun´s Cranioclast
This abortion instrument was applied to the baby´s head
and then twisted, causing portions of the skull to rip off

Braun´s Trephine Cranial Perforators
These abortion instruments were used to bore a hole in
the baby´s head, allowing an easy collapse for extraction

Conquest Cranioclast
This abortion instrument has large teeth to grip and crush the baby´s head

Cephalotribe with chain and ratchet
This abortion instrument was used to crush and flatten the baby´s head

Spear Perforator
This abortion instrument was used to stab into the baby´s head

Braxton & Hick´s Cephalotribe
This abortion instrument was used for crushing the baby´s skull.

Abortion Set
Presented to Surgeon W.C. Johnson

Simpson´s Impreoved Cranioclast
The purpose of this abortion instrument was to get
a better grip of the baby´s head before crushing it.

Holmes´ Perforators
These abortion instruments were involved in the
extraction of the baby by collapsing the skull. The joint
mechanism allowed the point to be opened within the skull.

Leisnisch Kiewisch Cranial Perforator

There were hundreds of designs. They were used
to stab into the baby´s head, tearing it into pieces


Blot´s Cephalotribe
This abortion instrument was used to crush and flatten the baby´s head.

For gripping and crushing.

Auvard´s Basiotribe


Wide-edged Crochet

Used to crush.

Embryotomy Forceps
This abortion instrument was used to take out body parts

Destructive Hooks
After breaking off the baby´s skull with a perforator,
the crochet is inserted into the cranium and pulled

Smellie´s Double Crochet
Used to grab and rip the baby out.

Guarded Crochet
This abortion instrument was used to grip and pull.


Dubois´ Embryotomy Decapitating Scissors
These abortion instruments were used to cut off the head, arms and legs

Abortifacient and Baptismal Syringe
Details to come.

Destructive Hook
This abortion instrument was twisted to snap the baby´s neck.

Cranial Perforator
This abortion instrument was used to bore a hole in
the child´s head, allowing an easy collapse for extraction.

Thomas Serrated Edge Scoop
This abortion instrument was used to remove body parts of the baby

Vectus with Destructive Attachments

Modified Crochet
Once this abortion instrument is close to the baby´s neck,
you turn the wheel on the handle. It would curl around the neck;
then you could twist it, causing the neck to break.

Cranial Perforator
This abortion instrument was used to bore a hole in
the child´s head, allowing an easy collapse for extraction

Craniotomy Forceps
This abortion instrument was used to grab and pull
out pieces of the baby´s skull after a craniotomy

Details coming soon


Ribemont´s Embryotome with Chainsaw
This abortion instrument was used to
dismember and/or decapitate the baby.

Mauriceau´s Head Extractor

Vaginal Speculum.
Este instrumento abre la vagina y se utiliza para ayudar en el aborto

Este instrumento abortista se introduce en el cráneo del bebé y
se retuerce haciendo que se convierta en una T. A continuación, se usa un Decapitator se permitiendo que la cabeza del bebé para ser extraído

Dilatador Uterino

Dilatador Uterino

Y con estos instrumentos se hace ésto

[Así se asesinan] (imágenes muy crudas

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[*] Lugares donde se mata niños legalmente en España y se usan instrumentos análogos a los expuestos

. (Últimos datos oficiales)

  • H. General del S.A.S. Mª Inmaculada
  • Clínica Ginecología Almeria
  • Clínica Trotula Ruggiero
  • Centro Ginecológico
  • Clínica "El Sur”
  • Clínica Spawsky, S.L.
  • Medina-Azahara
  • Clinica Ginecológica
  • Clínica Ginegranada
  • 2004 Ginecenter
  • Clínica Poliplaning
  • Cl.G. Dr. Saenz De Santamaria, S.L.
  • 2004 Ginecenter, S.L.
  • Centro Sanitario Sáenz De Santamaría
  • Clínica Sevilla, S.A.
  • Atocha Ginecológica, S.L
  • Cl. G. Dr. Germán Sáenz De Santamaría
  • Clínica El Sur
  • Clínica Triana
  • Clínica Almozara
  • Clínica Quirúrgica Actur
  • Clínica Belladona
  • Clínica Buenavista
  • Hospital Nuestra Sra De Covadonga
  • Clínica Sirona
  • Hospital Cabueñes
  • Hospital San Agustín
  • Hospital Carmen y Severo Ochoa
  • Complejo Asistencial Son Dureta
  • Hospital Can Misses
  • Centro Médico Aragón, S.A
  • Hospital De Manacor
  • Centro E.M.E.C.E
  • Hospital Son Llatzer
  • Hospital Comarcal D’inca
  • Aurora Clínic
  • Hospital Materno-Infantil
  • Clínica Gara
  • Clínica Ntra. Sra. Del Carmen
  • H. G. De Fuerteventura
  • Hospital Dr. José Molina Orosa
  • Tacoronte S.A. “Clínica Tara”
  • Hospital Ntra. Sra. De La Candelaria
  • Hospital Universitario De Canarias
  • Clínica Tacoronte S.L. “Dr. Juan Reyes”
  • H. Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla
  • Clínica Los Lagos, S.L
  • Clínica Iris Médica
  • Consultorio de Gin. "Clinica Cire"
  • Centro Ginecológico Buenavista, S.L.
  • Multimédica-Centro
  • Clínica Ginemédica
  • Hospital Casa De Maternitat
  • Hospital Del Mar
  • H. Materno-Infantil De La Vall D´Hebron
  • Hospital De La Santa Creu I Sant Pau
  • Institut Universitari Dexeus, S.A.
  • Consorci Sanitari De Mataró.- H. De Mataró
  • Hospital General De Granollers
  • Hospital General De Granollers
  • Hospital De Sant Jaume
  • Hospital De Terrassa
  • Corporació Sanitària Parc Taulí
  • Centro E.M.E.C.E
  • Centro Casanovas
  • Centro Médico Aragon
  • Instituto Ginetec, S.A.
  • Centre Mèdic Giness
  • Centre Medic Les Corts
  • Clinica D´ara, S.L
  • Centre Médic Teknon
  • H. De L’hospitalet-Consorci Sanitari Integral
  • Hospital De Terrassa
  • Hospital General De Vic
  • Clinica Ginecologica Sants
  • Clínica Dalmases
  • Hospital Provincial Santa Caterina
  • Hospital De Puigcerda
  • Hosp. Universitari De Girona Dr. Josep Trueta
  • Adalia Centre Medic
  • Centro Medico Aragon
  • Hospital De Palamos
  • Hospital Universitario Arnau De Vilanova
  • Hospital Comarcal Mora D´Ebre
  • Centre Mèdic Eira
  • Instituto Ginetec, S.A
  • Acuario, S.A.
  • Clínica Ginecológica Levante (Elche)
  • Mediterránea Medica
  • Hosp. Maternidad Acuario Espai De Salut
  • Clínica Ginecológica Levante (Alicante)
  • Mediterránea Médica, S.L.
  • Acuario Castellón, S.A.
  • Hospital De La Plana
  • Hospital General De Castellón
  • Mediterránea Médica
  • Acuario Casa De La Salud, S.A.
  • Hospital Doctor Peset
  • Clínica Oeste
  • Hospital Universitario La Fe
  • Clínica El Mar, S.L.
  • Centro Sanitario Deia Medica, S.L
  • Hosp. Clínico Universitario
  • Aragón Medica Xuquer
  • Hospital De Manises
  • Centro Médico Guadiana, S.L.
  • Clínica Hispaluso, S.L.
  • Complejo Hospitalario Universi. Santiago
  • Clínica Arce
  • Clínica El Pasaje
  • Complejo Hospitalario De Ourense
  • Hospital Montecelo
  • Instituto Medico Gelme
  • Clínica Climent

  • Dator Médica
  • Centro Clínico El Bosque
  • Centro Médico Pacifico
  • Clin. Obst. Y Ginecológica Isadora
  • Clínica Ginecológica Callao
  • Hospital De Fuenlabrada
  • Hospital Del Sureste
  • Policlínica Retiro
  • Sergine Médica

  • Delta Médica
  • Ginemur
  • Ginemur (Cartagena)
  • Instituto Ginecológico Murcia
  • Delta Médica Lorca – G.P.F.


  • Hospital Txagorritxu
  • Centro Ginecolog. Dr. Echevarria
  • Hospital Donostia
  • Hospital Nuestra Señora De La Antigua
  • Consultorio Dr. Prada
  • Hospital De Mendaro
  • Askabide
  • Consultorio Ginecologico (Cl.Euskalduna)
  • Hospital De Cruces
  • Lasaitasuna
  • Modulo Psicosocial Rekaldeberri
  • Hospital De Basurto
  • Clinica Ginecologica Carlton
  • Hospital San Pedro

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